Although a formal committee of Brighton & Hove City Council, the Health & Wellbeing Board has a remit which includes matters relating to the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), the Local Safeguarding Board for Children and Adults and Healthwatch.





Sussex Integrated Care Strategy and Shared Delivery Plan

Date of Meeting:


07 March 2023

Report of:


Lola Banjoko - Executive Managing Director NHS Brighton & Hove

Robert Persey – Executive Director Health & Adult Social Care – Brighton and Hove City Council





Tel: 01273


Wards Affected:






Executive Summary


The Sussex Health and Care Assembly signed off the Sussex Integrated Care Strategy with full support and engagement from system partners on 14 December 2022. The Strategy was noted at Full Council on 15 December 2022 and published alongside a week of media campaigns on 30 January 2023.


The Department for Health & Social Care have published guidance for Integrated Care Boards (ICB) to develop a five-year Shared Delivery Plan (SDP) providing the integrated care system with a flexible framework which builds on existing system and place strategies and plans, which includes Joint Health and Wellbeing Board Strategies.


The Shared Delivery Plan will describe how NHS Sussex and its partner trusts intend to arrange and/or provide NHS services to meet their population’s physical and mental health needs the delivery of universal NHS commitments, addressing the Health and Care System’s four core purposes and meeting legal requirements.


The ICB is required to provide a first draft of the SDP by 1st April 2023.NHSE guidance for publishing and sharing the plan is 30th June 2023, with a focus on year 1 allowing for the process of engagement with the local population, Integrated Care Partnerships, Health & Wellbeing Boards (HWB) & NHSE to continue after 31st March but ensuring a final iteration is signed off by 30th June.


The Shared Delivery Plan will be delivered as a single plan that incorporates the Operating Plan requirements for 2023/24 and the delivery plan for the five-year Sussex Health and Care Improving Lives Together Strategy set within a framework document that will bring together a consistent narrative around strategic change and operational delivery, pulling in content from the approved Strategy and respective Place plans.


The March 2023 submission will consist of high-level information on the Operational Plan and the detail of Year One response to the Integrated Care Strategy, plus a vision and roadmap for years two to five of the Strategy (noting that an initial draft of the Operating Plan must be submitted to NHSE on 23 February 2023).  For Brighton and Hove this will include the key milestones for the Place Transformation Programme (Improving Brighton and Hove Lives Together) that is focussed on adults with multiple compound needs.


The June 2023 submission will set out the delivery objectives for years two to five of the Strategy in more detail and will include all the 5 Place based priorities, cancer, children and young people, mental health, multiple long-term conditions, and multiple compound needs.


In developing the SDP, it has considered BH Health and Wellbeing Strategy with a particular focus on living well domain and health inequalities.





1.           Decisions, recommendations, and any options


1.1        That the Board is asked to.


a)    Note the update on the development of the Shared Delivery Plan for Sussex and the deadline set for a first submission by 30 March 2023 to provide a high-level response to the NHS Operating Plan and Year 1 response to Integrated Care Strategy and Place based programme focussed on adults with multiple compound needs.


b)    Note the second deadline of 30 June 2023 to submit a final Shared Delivery Plan setting out the delivery objectives for years two to five of the Strategy in more detail and the five Place Plan priorities.


c)    Agree to hold a special meeting of the Board in June 2023 to consider whether the Shared Delivery Plan takes sufficient account of Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy priorities


d)    Note the role of and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee in holding NHS Sussex and partners to account for the ongoing delivery of the SDP.




2.2         Place Based Priorities – Improving Brighton and Hove Lives Together:


2.3  Children and Young People: In preparation we have initiated a joint programme of work across health and social care that is looking at how we best meet the needs of our children and young people. To oversee this work, we have an established Children and Young People's Board which has now met twice, and which is part of the wider Integrated Care System governance structures. We are taking a population health approach, supported by public health insight to understand where we need to focus our attention next. Alongside this, we are reviewing our commissioning infrastructure to ensure we always take a holistic approach to meeting the needs of our CYP. This is led through a director jointly appointed by health and social care.


2.4  Mental Health: We will implement the key recommendations of the 2022 Mental health JSNA which will be overseen by the B&H Health and Care Partnership.  We will expand our support for people with mental health needs and further develop integrated community mental health services connecting mental health services with community assets. We will do this at local neighbourhood level and develop integrated systems and increase the provision of supported accommodation and support for people with mental health needs, co-occurring disease, and substance misuse services. 


2.5  Multiple Long-Term conditions: We will improve services to people with long term conditions to deliver personalised care, tailored to individual needs, strengths, and capabilities. We will aim to better understand the interaction of mental and physical    health conditions as a factor to improve outcomes. We will proactively identify and/or support and meet the needs of those at risk of or living with long term conditions, eg: for CVD, stroke, respiratory conditions, and diabetes.


2.6  Multiple Compound Needs: We will improve and join up services to better support people with multiple compounds needs by delivering a joined up, integrated service model, co-produced for and by people with lived experience. This will include the local delivery of the national drugs strategy, working with the Changing Futures programme, and respond to the Adults with Multiple Compound Needs, Needs Assessment recommendations to deliver joined up care underpinned by a trauma informed care approach


2.7  Cancer: We will complete the recovery of cancer services affected by the pandemic, improve performance against cancer waiting times standards and deliver the ambitions of the Long-Term Plan to diagnose more people with cancer at an earlier stage, with a particular focus on disadvantaged areas and underserved communities where rates of early diagnosis and screening uptake are lower.




3.      Important considerations and implications




3.1       As described in the body of this report NHS Guidance requires the development and submission of the Shared Delivery Plan. The report is for noting and recommends a special meeting in June 2023 for the Board to consider the Shared Delivery Plan which is appropriate given the NHS deadline submission date.


Lawyer consulted: Sandra O’Brien                               Date: 16 February 2023




3.2       The Sussex Integrated Care Strategy and Shared Delivery Plan will provide the integrated care system with a flexible framework which builds on existing system and place strategies and plans, which includes Joint Health and Wellbeing Board Strategies. The plan will describe the strategic direction for meeting the broader health, public health and social care needs of the population of Sussex to agree an Integrated Care Strategy for Sussex.


3.3       This will inform priorities, budget development and the Medium-Term Financial strategy of the partner organisations, including the council. This requires a joined-up process for budget setting in relation to all local public services where appropriate, and will ensure that there is an open, transparent and integrated approach to planning and provision of services. Any changes in service delivery for the council will be subject to recommissioning processes and will need to be delivered within the available budget.



Finance Officer consulted:     Sophie Warburton        Date: 16/02/2023




3.4         None directly for this report. Members may wish to note that equalities issues have been closely considered in determining the Integrated Care Strategy system and place priorities, and that all the place priorities specifically seek to improve the health of people with protected characteristics.




3.5         None identified.


Health, social care, children’s services, and public health:


3.6         These implications are already covered in main body of the report.




Supporting documents and information


Appendix 1: slides with additional information on the Integrated Care Strategy and the Shared Delivery Plan